This is a list of some other businesses in Green America's Green Business Network. Like Mellow Monk,
they believe in good health, sustainability, the family-run business, and the important connection between them.
Babies and Children
Baby Wit—You may not be cool, but your baby can be!
Lovey Bums—Natural and organic cloth diapering products.
Momma's Baby—Natural and organic products for momma and baby.
Ecologic Solutions—Eco-friendly cleaning solutions.
Clothing and Accessories
Bamboosa—Soft, protective bamboo clothing.
Fashion Incubator—Lessons from the sustainable factory floor.
It's Our Nature—Healthy wear for people who care.
Sama Wellness—Organic cotton clothes and other "natural living" products.
Sense Organics—Affordable organic clothing for kids and adults.
TS Designs—High-quality sustainable printed apparel.
Consulting and Other Services
Authentic Alternatives—Partnering with socially responsible business owners.
Green Career Tracks—Guiding you to work that reflects what's important to you.
Green Key Real Estate—Sustainable business brokerage and green real estate.
Mind Over Markets—A marketing/business development company.
Plans and Solutions—Marketing natural foods.
Sustainability Store—Directory of socially and environmentally responsible
products and services.
Educational Resources
Education Revolution—Alternative education resources.
Zero Footprint—Resource for consumers and businesses.
Positive Energy—Publishers of the Green Builders Catalog.

Food and Beverages
Food for Thought—Gifts that matter.
Green Tea Lovers—Green tea.
HIMALASALT—Ethically sourced, climate-neutral Himalayan sea salt and foods.
Ruth's Hemp Foods—Hemp foods that are GMO-free, organic, delicious, and competitive.
All-Natural Lawns—Organic lawn care.
California Organic Flowers—Organic flowers and gifts. Shipped next day nationwide.
Hot Pepepr Wax—Natural insect and animal repellant.
Natural Yards—Pagoda bird feeders, nest boxes, and backyard gifts.
Underwood Gardens—Heirloom seed specialists.
Annie Grant—EcoChic recycled products, accessories, and gifts.
Go Green Island—Natural living retailer: products for home, body, and baby.
Taraluna Gifts—Fair trade, organic, and green gifts and products.
Yoga Nine—Fair trade store and organic cafe.
Health and Beauty
A Wild Soap Bar—Natural, handmade olive oil soap: retail, wholesale, and custom.
Dropwise—Premium aromatherapy and organic plant-based body care.
Trilium Organics—Organic solutions for healthy skin.
Homes and Daily Living
Bag E Wash—Wash & dry zipper style bags for your dishwasher.
Best Filters—Top-rated air filters and water purifiers.
Eco Domo—Recycled leather floor and wall tiles.
Eco-Terric—Natural beauty for natural homes.
Green Markers Supply—Green building supplies.
Home Water Purification Systems—Healthy water for your family.
Paloma Pottery—Recycled-glass-infused pottery.
Plexus Pacific—Furniture and retail displays made with reclaimed wood.
Stark Environmental—Stormwater solutions.
Tilonia—Tilonia home textiles bring the color and spice of India to your home.
Krull and Company—Socially responsible investing.
Sumiche—Handcrafted custom jewelry made with sustainably mined gold.
Touchwood Rings—Custom designed, handcrafted wooden rings.
Media and Communications
Come from the Heart—Discounted long distance to benefit nonprofit groups.
Consilience Productions—Progressive music for the socially curious.
Lohas—Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability Journal.
Lucita—Socially conscious, high-end web design and visual communication.
Nina Winter and Rob Badger Photography—Fine art photos, stock, and photography services.
Panoptic Media—Video, DVD, CD-ROM, Web.
Office Supplies
Eco Green Office—Your one-stop shop for green office products & services.
Paper and Stationary
Greenfield Paper—Tree-free paper.
Pet Care
Purrfect Play—Pet-centric products: dye-free, organic, and reclaimed fibers.
Green Earth Travel—Earth-friendly travel.
Ibike Tours—Small groups exploring cultures worldwide.
Tree of Life—A rejuvenation center.